Why choose Podiatry at Star Physio?
At Star Physio, we work collaboratively with our in-house team of physiotherapists, sports doctors and specialist orthopaedic surgeons to ensure optimal care and early return to previous level of activity for our patients.
The focus here at Star Physio is to use evidence-based practice to do what we do best and concentrate on providing treatment solutions for common musculoskeletal injuries that hinder our foot function.
Our feet have a significant role in providing the foundation that supports the lower limb and body during gait. This, compounded with further tasks like running, jumping, sport-specific drills, traumatic injuries or surgery on them, can create stresses and strains that demand more from your feet.
Our Podiatrists here at Star Physio are frequently treating complex foot injuries which make up the majority of their caseload. This provides them with the wealth of experience and knowledge to tackle your unique presentation effectively and with confidence.
Common conditions podiatrist treat:
Running related injuries
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Plantar Fasciitis/Heel pain
- Nerve entrapments
Forefoot pain
- Morton’s neuroma and bursitis
Lower limb sporting injuries
- Shin splints
- Knee pain
- Patella maltracking
- Calf strains
Paediatric conditions
- Flat feet (pes planus)
- Intoeing
- Clubfeet (talipes equinovarus)
- Sever’s disease
- Growing pain
- Hypermobility
Post-surgical rehabilitation
- Bunion surgery
- Post fractures surgery
- Foot and ankle reconstruction
Meet our podiatrists!
Unsure of whether your foot or lower-limb related problems should be seen by a podiatrist or physiotherapist? While both professions are trained in lower limb injury and pain management, podiatrists are experts in foot and ankle biomechanics and are trained in orthotic prescription which can often give rapid improvements in pain in the feet, ankles, shins and even knees.
Julie Pham
Julie is a sports podiatrist and senior physiotherapist with over a decade of clinical experience. She graduated from a Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine with Honours in the second cohort ever at The University of Western Australia in 2011. She has also advanced her studies, completing a Bachelor of Physiotherapy of Notre Dame finishing in 2014. With complementing degrees, she can apply a unique and combined approach when treating all foot and ankle conditions.
Julie is available for both Podiatry and Physiotherapy consultations at our West Perth and Mosman Park offices. Please note that podiatry services such as Footcare & Maintenance as well as Nail Surgery are only offered at our Mosman Park clinic. Book here to see Julie.
Dr Sam Steel (Pod)
Sam is experienced in both general foot and nail care as well as minor foot and nail surgery, which is available at our Mosman Park office. He is an expert in foot biomechanics, assessment and treatment of lower limb pain and injuries, and orthotic prescription. These services are available at both Mosman Park and West Perth.
The Star Physio team have also recently invested in a state of the art Shock Wave Therapy Treatment unit. Shock wave therapy has excellent evidence for the treatment of lower limb tendon pain such as achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis and patella tendinitis or jumper’s knee. This treatment is particularly effective when combined with evidence based rehabilitation exercises.
Sam is a former high level athlete across multiple sports and loves to use his knowledge of sport with his degrees in neuroscience and pathology as well as podiatry to help clients get back to what they love doing. This might be elite sport, or it might be a walk around the block and gardening.
Sam is available for both General and Sports Podiatry consultations at our Mosman Park and West Perth office. Book here to see Sam.