Brant Garvey’s Road to Professionalism

Here at Star Physio, we LOVE following para-triathlete Brant Garvey’s journey to qualify for the 2016 Rio Olympics! So you can imagine how excited we were to hear that Brant has just launched a new video series entitled “Road to Professionalism”.
Brant explains that the purpose of the video series was to “try and give back… show you guys some value and answer these questions everybody has and is looking for a solution to – whether it be your career… or as a triathlete… I can give any advice on how to make that happen.”
We are certainly excited to hear what Brant has to say!
Check out #RoadtoPro episode 1: “How to fast-track your progression in your sports or professional life” and #RoadtoPro episode 2: “A Story on Overcoming Xcuses, and of Staying Full and Healthy” and stay tuned for #RoadtoPro episode 3 (coming soon!).
Alternatively, you can check out Brant’s website –