People all over the world love cycling! It is a good form of regular exercise as well as an alternative option for the daily commute.

Cycling has many physical and mental health benefits for individuals, as well as being better for the environment, easy to do anywhere, and completely free!

Let’s take a look at some of these benefits.

Low Impact Cardio Exercise

Cycling is a great option for people wanting to get a good cardio workout that’s low impact. While it obviously gets your legs moving, it’s a lot easier on your joints than running or many other forms of exercise.

You’ll definitely break a sweat and increase your heart rate through cycling, while doing less damage to your knees, ankles and feet. You can also incorporate cycling into your training routine, by riding your bike to the gym for the perfect warm up and cool down!

Cycling Reduces Stress

We’ve all heard that exercise helps to reduce stress. Cycling is a great form of exercise that also brings with a wonderful sense of freedom.

Being out on the open road, taking in the natural landscapes around you, is a powerful and relaxing feeling.

Adventure by Bike

On that note, you can use your bike rides as a way to explore the area around you. Cycling is a fun and active way to spend your weekends or days off, especially with friends who are also keen cyclists.

Why not get involved in one of Perth’s many cycling groups? There are so many beautiful cycling areas you can explore while meeting new and like-minded people passionate about cycling and nature.

An Alternative Mode of Transportation

Cycling is an excellent alternative mode of transportation. It’s better for the environment than cars, and completely free, making it a greener, smarter mode of transport.

Commuters who cycle to work tend to feel more positive about their daily commute than people making their way to work using other vehicles.

Avoid the rush hours and the peak hour traffic jams and get to work relaxed, energised and feeling positive about your day. By ditching the car, you’ll also save on petrol, registration, insurance and repairs.

Professional Bike Fitting in Perth

Before you hit the road on a new bike, make sure you have it professionally fitted by a qualified bike fitter.

Cyclists in Perth can visit the Star Physio team for a Bikefit. This is a professional assessment that uses cutting edge technology to provide the ideal cycling position for the beginner or elite athlete.

Star Physio is a physiotherapy clinic in West Perth with a special interest in sporting injuries and cycling. Call us at one of our 3 locations or fill out our quick online form for a Star Physio Bikefit today.