Studies have shown that volleyball players are at risk of a broad range of injuries with ankle sprains being the most common, accounting for up to half of all volleyball related injuries. Whilst often considered mild when compared with other injuries, ankle sprains are a significant problem for volleyball players. It has been estimated that on average, ankle sprains result in 4.5 weeks of time lost from participation!

The highest risk factor for acute ankle sprain is a history of a previous ankle sprain involving the same ankle. One study found 80% of all sprains involved previously injured ankles, and volleyball players who had sustained a previous ankle injury within the previous six to twelve months were ten times more likely to suffer a repeated injury.

If you have recently suffered an ankle injury, it is important to undergo a thorough rehabilitation program to ensure good strength and proprioception around the ankle joint to reduce the likelihood of injury from recurring! Call us on 94811003 and come and see one of our Star Physios today to get started!