Course – Management of cycling injuries and bikefit. January 2020, Adelaide, February 2020, Perth.

The Australian Physiotherapy Association have asked Star Physio’s principal physiotherapist, Damian Oldmeadow, to present courses to physiotherapists on Injury Management and Prevention in Cyclists and Bikefit.

The Adelaide Course on the 18th January, will be during Tour Down Under.

Damian has worked with elite and amateur cyclists for over 20 years, and is involved in research through Notre Dame and Curtin University.  He attends conferences and teaches locally and internationally each year.

Advances in evidence for bikefitting and injury management in cyclists

In the last 5 years in particular, there has been a huge amount of research into cycling injuries, performance, prevention and position on the bike. In particular, a number of our previous ideas and drivers of position have been shown to be invalid, including KOPS, or fore-aft positioning, and also many questions around the use of knee angles both for injury management, prevention and performance.
While I do not claim to have all the answers, I do invest in attending international conferences most years and work with an international group joining our resources and learnings.

Physios are the ideal profession to be at the forefront of cycling position analysis and adjustment, but understanding the evidence and how to translate that in practice is the key.

His course will aim to have lots of practical time ‘on the tools’ in the course and hope to have lots of great discussions around the evidence, as well as how to integrate this into physiotherapy practice.

Damian hopes to provide lots of good information and ideas for the novice or expert in the bikefit game.

Importantly if you haven’t been to the TDU… and maybe a few of the great wine regions around Adelaide… you are really missing out.

Course info on the APA website I am sure or get in touch with any questions.

Check out the bikefit part of our website to see what we do

Please share this to anyone you think might be interested or who might benefit!

Get in touch today
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