by Damian Oldmeadow | Feb 27, 2022 | Free advice, News
Busselton 100 Triathlon – Preparation=Performance Workshop. Hosted by Star Physio and Podiatry Thursday 10th March, 6.00-7.30pm. Countdown to Busselton 100 Triathlon! How to maximise your chance of a great race through smart training, the right equipment and setup...
by Damian Oldmeadow | May 5, 2020 | Free advice, News
The 5 Best Strength Exercises For Volleyball Check out these 5 great strength exercises to keep you strong and ready to hit the volleyball courts again soon with less injuries, a bigger jump and more power! What are you waiting for??? Volleyballers, are you at a loss...
by Damian Oldmeadow | Mar 22, 2020 | News
Bikefit for your indoor trainer bike! In the uncertain environment we currently live, courtesy of COVID-19, our freedom of movement is likely to be compromised at some stage, and that stage is likely to be sooner rather than later. What that looks like in Australia...
by Damian Oldmeadow | Dec 10, 2019 | Free advice
Coffee dosages in typical coffee drinks. Athlete or not, coffee is one of the most commonly ingested drinks in the world. Many of Star Physio’s staff and clients take their coffee pretty seriously either for taste, performance or fashion! Many people do not know...
by Damian Oldmeadow | Dec 3, 2019 | Free advice
Injury prevention and rehabilitation with James Debenham, PhD | EP#209. That Triathlon Show James Debenham, PhD, is a physiotherapist and Director at Star Physio, a researcher and university lecturer, as well as an accomplished Ironman athlete himself. He discusses...